Down the Memory Lane!
1922 – The foundation stone of Rashtriya Shala was laid by Srimati Kasturba Gandhi

1930 – Rashtriya Shala was registered
1932 – The school was under pressure from the British Government. In the wake of the Charkha Movement, they were asked to shut down. Mr. Khan, the local police chief who had a liking for the educational institution and didn’t want the school to close, suggested that he formally arrest two members who will accept the responsibility of conducting illegal or objectionable activities while the shala kept running.

1934 –Sri Bhaidas Bhuta made a handsome donation and at the same time, SVKM was registered as an education society. Shri Jinnabhai joined Rashtriya Shala as the Principal

1936 – Srimati Goklibai donated INR 50,000 to Rashtriya Shala. Thus, the school was renamed
Gokalibai Punamchand Pitamber High School as a mark of respect for the donation. Honorary
Secratory Shri Sunandan Divatia was kind to let us know that Sri Bhaidas Bhuta had a significant
hand behind convincing Goklibai to make a donation.
1937 – The proposal of shifting the location of Goklibai High School to Dadabhai Road from Rashtriyashala Road was met with resistance since it was inconvenient for the students to travel to Dadabhai Road which wasn’t very developed back then. Shri Jinabhai Desai was also given a teary eyed farewell by one and all.
1939 – After the Mandal members offered to resign and said that they’d be happy to let others run the mandal, the residents saw that the intent behind the shifting was good and hence, relented to it. Thus, Goklibai stands where it does today! Honorary Secratory Sri Sunandan Divatia also told us that important trustees such as Shri CT Sanghvi and Shri Chatrabhuj Narsee have been the alumni of Goklibai.
1940 - 1950
While the foundation stone of Rashtriya Shala was laid by Kasturba Gandhi, the opening ceremony of Goklibai Punamchand Pitamber High School was led by the first Chief Minister of Bombay, Shri Balasaheb Kher. It will delight you to know that renowned Gujarati poet Shri Umashankar Joshi was a teacher at Goklibai during this time. Shri Umashankar Joshi is one of the foremost Gujarati writers and poets.
India as a country was going through a crisis at this time. While the Indian Army fought for the British in World War II, the residents partook in the Quit India Movement. Gokalibai High School responded by granting a war allowance to its helpers such as watchmen, bhangi, peons etc. so that they could survive the burden of such difficult times.
It was also during this time that Jawaharlal Nehru was arrested and students across the country responded by calling a protest march. Mahatma Gandhi advised them against the strike and asked them to concentrate on academics. The students of Gokalibai were very much a part of this strike.
However, riots broke out in the country after Gandhiji was arrested. By this time, the entire country had completely shut down. Thus, the schools were no longer functioning. Gokalibai also issued a notice stating that the school will remain shut owing to the tense situation. Sadly, some property of the school was affected in the stone pelting, shooting etc. that took place during the riots.

1951 – The Bombay Public Trust Act (1950) came into force during this year. As a result of which societies that had been registered under the Society’s Registration Act 1860 were also required to register under the Bombay Public Trust Act as charitable trusts. SVKM also registered under this act in-keeping with the law.
1954 – A portion of Goklibai School was handed over to the BMC to run a pre-primary school which until today runs as the Manilal Vadilal Prathmik Shala
1956 - Shishu Vihar School was established
1959 - SVKM Completed 25 Glorious Years!
1961 - Mithibai College was established in this year. An ashram by the name of Matushri Mithibai Balashram was owned by the quintessential and popular Kapoor family of Bollywood. They later sold off the plot of land and the money that was gained from the sale was donated to SVKM. It was on this plot that Mithibai College was constructed under the Balashram’s namesake. Acharya Yagnik was the first principal of Mithibai College.
1963 – Establishment of Shri Bhagubai Mafatlal Polytechnic under Prof. P. W. Dharap
1964 – Establishment of Narsee Monjee College of Commerce and Economics under Dr. Gangadhar Gopal Gadgil as the founding principal
1967 – Prof. Dharap is given a very special extension of 5 years beyond the normal retirement age
1969 – Selection of Mafatlal Polytechnic as Experimental Polytechnic which was the only one of its kind back then. SBMP was granted partial autonomy by the state government at this point.
1975 – Establishment of Juhu Jagruti Hall and Santokba Sanskar Sadan
1977 – Establishment of Jitendra Chauhan College of Law under founding principal P V Mehta
1980 – Foundation stone laying ceremony of Amrutben Jivanlal College of Commerce and Economics opposite Mithibai College. A separate wing for commerce. Mithibai completes 20 years.
1981 – Establishment of NMIMS under Prof. Y. K. Bhushan

1981 - Shri Bhaidas Bhutia expires

1984 – Dr. Urmila Rai takes charge as principal of NM College

1985 - SVKM Completes 50 Golden Years

1990 – Establishment of Shri. Chottabhai B. Patel Research Centre for Chemistry and Biological Sciences